
2013年10月20日—MuPDFisaverygoodlibrary,youcandefinitelyuseit.IfyouneedacompleteexampleofAndroidappusingMuPDF,Isuggestyoutotakea ...,Providefeedback.Wereadeverypieceoffeedback,andtakeyourinputveryseriously....Savedsearches.Usesavedsearchestofilteryourresultsmorequickly.,2020年3月16日—I'vefoundnostepbysteptutorialtodothis:-Someofthemreferstomupdf/platform/android/viewerfolder.Butthisfolderisnota...

Android PDF Viewer Library or muPDF library tutorials

2013年10月20日 — MuPDF is a very good library, you can definitely use it. If you need a complete example of Android app using MuPDF, I suggest you to take a ...


Provide feedback. We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. ... Saved searches. Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly.

Build mupdf for android

2020年3月16日 — I've found no step by step tutorial to do this: - Some of them refers to mupdf/platform/android/viewer folder. But this folder is not available ... java ...

Start an intent from android · getExternalFilesDir (Context) · scheduleAtFixedRate (Timer) · setScale (BigDecimal) · Charset (java.nio.charset) · TreeSet (java.util).

How to Integrate Mupdf in android studio step by step?

2015年10月29日 — Here is a link that shows one way to integrate mupdf to android: MuPDF Android Integration. It's written by Şahin Koç. Hope this helps.


MuPDF is a lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer. MuPDF consists of a software library, command line tools, and viewers for various platforms.

MuPDF documentation

MuPDF - the lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer. ... You can get started with the sample apps for iOS and Android. ... If you want to contribute patches to ...

MuPDF ecosystem

This basic viewer is designed to be a tutorial and example for how to create an Android app from scratch using the MuPDF library. It can also be used as-is to ...

MuPDF for Android

This project is intended to offer an easy integration of MuPDF library ( on Android, avoiding the building process and adapted to the ...